I Can't Say Enough About These Products!
"I can't say enough about these products. Typically, I go shopping for new products, but Roc-A-Natural found me. While on a trip with family, I couldn't help but notice a beautiful scent.(clean, natural and not overwhelming)the sweet soul was actually the owner and generously shared samples. I placed an order and can't wait to try more! Staff is wonderful to communicate with, prompt with service and quick to help."
Amber Snider, West Virginia

A Few of My Favorite Things...
"Dorcas Meyers is a true light in this world and I will never forget being drawn to her on that hot August day in Washington, D.C. Her scent and presence was captivating. Have you ever had someone stop you because you smell amazing?(Dorcas has done that for me and now I get to experience it too) I love my Roc-A-Natural products! So for those of you that have asked, here it is...my secret!"
Amber Snider, West Virginia

I love your oils Auntie! I get so many compliments whenever I wear it.
"I love your oils Auntie! I get so many compliments whenever I wear it. The comments are always the same, "you smell good! What are you wearing?" I've got to re-up"
PJ Meyers, Staten Island, N.Y.

I Absolutely Love How Body By R.A.N Smells!
I was introduced to Roc-A-Natural Body By R.A.N products via Back to The Beach event in Staten Island and I absolutely love how everything smells! I look forward to using the products on myself as well as my daughter and I feel that everyone should know about you and your natural way of life.
Danie Piletto, Staten Island, N.Y.

That Sensual Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Black Woman
"Thank you Sistah Dorcas Meyers, for my Roc-A-Natural Products💜! The Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Black Woman is so sensual that I get many compliments.
Thank you again! Can't wait to try the Body By R.A.N B-Butter 😘💜🍭 www.rocanatural.com"
Val Taiya Lawson, Jersey City, N.J.

I Love Body By R.A.N B-Butter with Avocado!
I mentioned to you that (with age) I was having a problem with dryness, itchy and crepey skin. I have been using the Body By R.A.N B-Butter with Avocado-U.S for a week. I see and feel a total big difference. My skin is softer, has a nice sheen and is not itchy anymore. I also love the scent. My only (con) is ... I just wish it was a bigger size.
I will try the B-Oil along with the B-Butter next.
Barbara Smalls, Staten Island, N.Y.

What I Love About Wearing Roc-A-Natural Body By R.A.N B-Oil!
"What I love about wearing Roc-A-Natural Body By R.A.N B-Oil is it is unlike perfume. The natural oils accentuates my chemistry and my own individual aura. From hair to toe..I love being in a natural state of mind!"
Natalia Dixon, Staten Island, N.Y.

Body By R.A.N B-Butter is for REAL!
"Roc-A-Natural is for REAL. I purchased the product just 4 days ago, and I am already in love with it. I like that the product can be used from head to toe. The smooth creamy texture literally melts when placed on the skin. It stays on, no greasy feel and it really moisturizes giving me a really nice glow to my skin. "
Tanya B. Melrose Construction & Interior Design, Sicklerville, NJ

Just When You Thought Body By R.A.N Can Get No Better
"Wow just when I think you could not improve the Roc-A-Natural's Body By R.A.N product line you come up with the Dropper Top! Besides smelling great, I have control over my usage; great idea!"
Arleathia Howard, Staten Island, NY

I love wearing the Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Almonilla!
"I love wearing the Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Almonilla! I get compliments all the time. I even gave a lady at the gas station here in MD your information because she thought I smelled so good!" ~
Crystal Franklin, VA, DC, MD

I Love The Scent of Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Black Woman!
"I love the scent of Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Black Woman body oil! I use it for my moisturizer and blend in with my body lotion. Love it❤️❤️❤️!" ~
Doreen Douglas, Staten Island, N.Y.

I ❤ Body By R.A.N B-Face and Beard!
"I've been using the Roc-A-Natural B-Face and Beard since you created it. I ❤ it! It's an excellent moisturizer and leaves my skin soft, smooth and glowing. I love that your product contains all natural ingredients and that you've added Rose water. Rose water does wonders for the skin. It's important for me to use products that are chemical-free, because what I put on my skin, goes through my skin. I'm happy that I've found a beauty product that's Nature-made. That's truly a Natural State of Mind. Love being Radiant and Natural! Thank you for B-Face and Beard and all your wonderful products! I'm Roc-In!"
Berncenia Lovelace, Staten Island, N.Y.

I Tried Body By R.A.N
I tried the products yesterday; I'm loving it so far...thank you!
David Derrick Ash, Spring Valley, N.Y.