On behalf of Roc-A-Natural Cultural Foundation Inc and in collaboration with Friends Who Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Organization, Shaolin Ryders and Jeannine Otis, we would like to congratulate Richmond University Medical Center-SI (RUMCSI) for becoming a Bronze Sponsor at the Roc-A-Natural Cultural Foundation Inc's 3rd Annual Juneteenth Freedom Parade & Festival at Tappen Park, Bay Street (between Water and Canal Streets), Staten Island, NY 10304 from 11am to 6pm on Saturday, June 15, 2024!
Your generous dollars will assist with the heavy lift and success of this culturally developed and "edu-taining" event in Staten Island to commemorate and educate attendees of when the news of liberation for people of African descent came to Texas on June 19, 1865.
Richmond University Medical Center (RUMC) is an award-winning 470+ bed healthcare facility and teaching institution serving borough residents as a leader in the areas of acute, medical and surgical care, including emergency care, surgery, minimally invasive laparoscopic and robotic surgery, gastroenterology, cardiology, pediatrics, podiatry, endocrinology, urology, oncology, orthopedics, neonatal intensive care and maternal health.
Also, we would like to give a special thank you to Fabienne Josephs for getting involve!
To learn more about RUMCSI new state of the art Emergency Department, click here: https://www.rumcsi.org/
Be sure to stop by the RUMCSI exhibit space at the Freedom Health Pavilion at Tappen Park, sponsored by Friends Who Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Organization to learn how RUMCSI can provide you with resources for your health.
Get Involve!
Become a Vendor by clicking here: https://www.rocanatural.com/2024-juneteenth-vendors
Join the 3rd Annual Juneteenth Freedom Parade here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nuQbvSBchrr4HglkULMj8MyCWqQvTpDouKDr2k_DXiU/edit?usp=drivesdk
Become a Sponsor by clicking here: https://www.rocanatural.com/2024-juneteenth-sponsors
Follow IG @rocanaturalculturalfoundation & FB @rocanaturalculturalfoundation
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#rocanaturalculturalfoundation #thankyou @RUMCSI #rumcsi #support #donationsneeded #thankyouforyoursponsorship #sponsorappreciation #makingadifference #thankyouforyoursupport #ittakesavillage #showyoursupport @friendswhothinkpink @shaolinryders #empower #beingapartofthesolution #juneteenthfreedomfestival #Juneteenthfreedomparade #Juneteenthfreedomplayers #reenactment #tellingourstory #blackhistory #history #freedomday @tappenpark #tappenpark #nycparks #learnaboutjuneteenth #educate #generalorder3 #edutainment #thoughtprovoking #emancipationproclamation #shareinthejubilation #Juneteenth #Liberationday2024 #communityevents #statenisland #richmondcounty #ilovestatenisland @historicrichmondtown #historicrichmondtown #sinycliving #arts #siartists #visitstatenisland #sinycliving #sichamber #communityaffairs #downtownsinyc
