I believe the national parks are medical healing, and the health benefits of nature are now well documented. The National Park Service Healthy Parks Healthy People program works to advance the fact that parks are cornerstones of people’s physical, mental, and spiritual health, social wellbeing, and sustainability of the planet.
In 2018, I had the pleasure of taking in the amazing view of the Grand Teton Mountains and dipping my feet in the most beautiful clear waters I have ever seen at Jenny Lake. I believe at that moment, the experience transformed my mind, body and spirit and to incorporate more of my fitness routines in the healing space of nature and parks.
Learn more and see the look of pure bliss on my face in the Journal of the Association of National Park Rangers: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:eb1cd2d0-ff9d-322b-a189-03ee13341393