Roc-A-Natural will be hosting Smoothies Made Simple Workshop at the Sistah Empowerment Series event sponsored by Alston Entertainment, Sunday, March 15, 2020 at Exclusive, 246 Malcolm X Blvd at 122nd St, Harlem, NY (entrance on the bottom) from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. All are welcome(men are encouraged to attend) to reclaim your power and obtain ingredients to make a simple green smoothie that taste good and nourishing for your body. There's nothing to it but to do it! Tickets are on sale now for Women's Empowerment Series - Reclaim Your Power for $30.00 in advance - more at the door. Purchase TODAY by clicking here: *Get a free sample of Body By R.A.N B-Oil with your eventbrite purchase when you arrive at workshop while supplies last. For more information, contact me at 917-406-7736 or email: "It's all about being in a natural state of mind"

#rocanatural @rocanatural #ilovesmoothies #smoothiesmadesimple #drinksmoothies #smoothie #workshop #sistahempowerment #womenempowerment #reclaimyourpower #healthandnutrition #seamossbenefits #bodybyran #boil #natural #moisturizers #headtotoe #alstonentertainment @alstonent @exclusive #womensempowerment #motivation #empowerment #womeninbusiness #women #womenbusinessowners #blackwomeninbusiness #blackownedbusiness #supportblackowned #Harlem #thingstodoinnyc