Roc-A-Natural Cultural Foundation Inc in collaboration with Dave Nudelman, Stereotype Co, presents Future Youth Designers T-Shirt Contest at Taking It To The Streets: F-A-M-I-L-Y Day at Tappen Park, Saturday, October 14, 2023 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm!
Bring your 10 to 18 year old to show their artistic skills and create a T-Shirt design based on the question: What is the #Hashtag of your life?
The winner will have their design featured on website, get paid for every sale the shirt makes and an interview on
All contestants will be provided a design worksheet at the time of their arrival and must be returned to Dorcas Meyers by 4:30pm. Winner will be messaged back on Instagram by 10/31/2023.
Everyone is invited to enjoy F-A-M-I-L-Y Day at Tappen Park(fun, arts, music, interpersonal, literacy and youth) from 11:00am to 5:00pm. Click here for more details:
To get involve or become a Vendor, please contact Dorcas Meyers, 917-406-7736 or
"It's all about Tappenings at Tappen Park"
@rocanaturalculturalfoundation #rocanaturalculturalfoundation #rocnwednesday @davenoodlez @stereotypeco #tshirtcontest #artdesign @takingittothestreets #whatisthehashtagofyourlife #takingittothestreets @familyday #familyday @msteesmagic #msteesmagic #painreliefointment #painrelief #eliminatepain #natural #handmade #blackowned #Women-Owned @JobsPlus_StatenIsland #jobsplusstatenisland #equusworkforcesolution @soil_vibes #soilvibes @koze_events @djgeneraltactics #djgeneraltactics @bodysculptnyc @alkebulanconsciousnessrising @killsborochessclub #fun #arts #music #interpersonal #literacy #youth @makingitfitcoaching #killsborochessclub @blurrednoize #blurrednoize #communitypartners #resources #communitypartnership #tappenpark #nycparks #tappeningsattappenpark #communityevent #edu-taining #downtownsi_nyc @sichamber