Thank You CarlLu Film Productions LLC for becoming a Sponsor at the Black History Month: Celebrating Unsung Community Service Leaders event on Thursday, February 27, 2020!
This free community and cultural event is hosted by and in collaboration with the African-American Community and JCC Beacon Program at I.S. 49 at Berta A. Dreyfus I.S. 49, 101 Warren St, Staten Island, from 6:30pm-9:30pm!
We are super excited to have CarlLu Film Productions LLC sponsor docu-interviews of our 3 honorees to provide a look into the man, woman and youth and their Community Service work in the borough of Staten Island during the award presentations.
To learn more about CarlLu Film Productions LLC, visit www.carllufilms.com. Don't forget to check out the 5th King -The Iran Barkley Story—Documentary...Interviews by Boxing Legends Roberto “Hands of Stone “ Duran. Revisit their Epic Fight!!
*Out on “Amazon.”....Thanks for the Support!!!
CarlLu Film Productions LLC*
Get Your FREE Ticket online and get a chance to win a Roc-A-Natural Gift Set! Click here: https://www.rocanatural.com/upcoming-events
Get involve!!!
Community Supporter: https://www.rocanatural.com/copy-of-2019-community-supporters
Vendor: https://www.rocanatural.com/copy-of-black-history-vendors
Volunteer: https://www.rocanatural.com/copy-of-volunteer
"Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to become, And what I can do, And use it for a purpose greater than myself" Said Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.