Roc-A-Natural Cultural Foundation Inc is super excited to invite you to attend Yoga With Joy at the Fall Freedom Festival at Tappen Park in collaboration with NYC Parks and Recreation on Saturday, October 12, 2024!
Joy Hines is a Certified Yoga Instructor and Wellness Coach who encourage all to find joy in the small moments every day as we breathe, stretch and grow at her free 1 hour yoga session from 12pm to 1pm. This session is for all ages and it is highly recommended to wear comfortable, breathable clothing that allows for movement.
Note: If you have a mat, you can bring, but not required; towel and bottled water is suggested.
To learn more or book Yoga With Joy at your next event, visit her IG: @jayemdubya or email her at
Register here:
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@highlight #fallfreedomfestival @rocnwednesday @yogawithjoy #yogawithjoy @jayemdubya #jayemdubya @everyone #rocanaturalculturalfoundation #yogainstuctor #yoga #breath #stretch #transformyourlife #grow #nycparks #tappenpark #statenislandny #familytime #celebration #pumpkinpatch #games #art #newseason #communityevent #joinus
