On behalf of Roc-A-Natural Cultural Foundation Inc and Partnerships for Parks, we would like to give a huge THANK YOU to our hardworking TappenTeers (20) at TappenTeers at Work-Park Clean-up on Saturday, April 6, 2024:
- Felix Harris
- Tinesha Boone
- Egyptian Harris
- Loyal Harris
- King Harris
- Imanuel Stennett
- Kairee Stennett
- Gabina Santamaria
- Gregory Taylor
- African Refuge After-School Youth
Due to the hardworking TappenTeers, they were able to collect 14 bags of natural debris, 4 garbage bags and piles of wood.
"I did the best work, right Ms. Dorcas?" Said King Harris, 7 years old, SI, NY
"We had a good time cleaning up Tappen Park and looking forward to the next park clean-up and Horticulture on May 4, 2024." Said Felix Harris, SI, NY
"We put in the work today! I enjoyed assisting the young people seeing them clearing up the park was a highlight for me. I look forward to making a consistent effort to maintaining Tappen park. My son, Kairee says he liked the snacks and being able to take breaks." Said Imanuel Stennett, SI, NY
A special thank you to our donors, Costco's for providing snacks and beverages and Bari's Pizza Pasta for lunch.
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#thankyou #TappenTeers @costcos #costcos @barispizzapasta #barispizzapasta @africanrefuge #africanrefugeafterschoolyouth @gabinasantamaria @gregorytaylor @ImanuelStennett #TheHarrisFamily @everyone #getinvolve #becomeatappenteer #TappeningsatTappenPark #parkcleanup @partnershipsforparks #partnershipsforparks @nycparks #nycparks @tappenpark #havingfun #reimaginetappenpark #communityservice #volunteer #cleanenvironment #greenparks #communityevents #statenisland #ilovestatenisland #sinycliving #arts #siartists #visitstatenisland #sinycliving #sichamber #communityaffairs @downtownsinyc @downtownsinyc
