Roc-A-Natural Cultural Foundation Inc in collaboration with Dave Nudelman, Stereotype Co has selected a winner for the Future Youth Designers T-Shirt Contest at Taking It To The Streets: F-A-M-I-L-Y Day, Saturday, October 14, 2023.
Congratulations Alicia Smidth, 11 years old for your T-shirt design and #SelfLove!
Alicia's design will be featured on website, get paid for every sale her shirt makes and an interview on
Thank you to all of the amazing youths who submitted their creative designs! They were all great! Don't stop dreaming.
Alicia, we will contact you for next steps.
"It's all about health, arts, community and culture"
@rocanaturalculturalfoundation #rocanaturalculturalfoundation @davenoodlez @stereotypeco #winner #selflove #takingittothestreets #familyday #futureyouthdesigner #tshirtcontest